NM Professional Learning Projects and Initiatives

Propel Professional Learning Policy and Toolkit

NMHED and Propel introduced the Professional Learning Policy and Planning Toolkit  June 1, 2023.   The toolkit is competency-based and is intended to guide the development of required Professional Learning Plans.
Click here to view the recorded webinar, policy, and toolkit documents.

Propel Professional Learning Projects

Please see the websites below for more information about ongoing Propel projects.

The DELT Team provides support for distance education and incorporating technology in instruction.  

The ELT Support Team provides a collaborative space to share resources, ideas, and classroom practices to support the instructors of English Language Learners

The Propel Adult Literacy Team supports New Mexico’s literacy programs by offering professional learning and coaching, fostering collaboration through shared resources and spaces, and raising community awareness about the importance of adult literacy in the state.

Motivational Coaching provides a framework and tools to support adults to: accurately reflect on their skills, strengths, and performance; gain insight into their need for growth and desired outcomes; take responsibility for their own learning; co-create a plan of action to set and meet goals; be accountable for those goals.

Training from the BACK of the Room (TBR) is a "globally acclaimed, interactive, skills-building class" explores how the brain learns and how to use cognitive neuroscience (brain science) concepts to effectively design and deliver instruction. Participants experience brain-based activities in a framework to use in instruction and workshops. 

The TSTM Essentials Project utilizes the national Teaching Skills That Matter framework (Nine Central Skills, Five Key Topics, Three Approaches that Work) as we collaborate with instructors and program leaders to support innovative curriculum design, effective instructional delivery, and reflective teaching practices.

Special Projects

Leadership Excellence and Development Institute for Adult Educators (LEAD)

During program year 2023-2024, Propel will support the Leadership Excellence and Development Institute for Adult Educators (LEAD).

Conducted by American Institutes for Research (AIR) in partnership with the National Association of State Directors of Adult Education (NASDAE) the LEAD Institute is a high-quality, evidence-based leadership training to develop dynamic, proactive leaders for the 21st century adult education system. Designed for state cohorts of veteran, new, and aspiring adult education leaders, the LEAD Institute’s training topics include:


New Mexico Career Pathways Initiative

The statewide New Mexico Career Pathways Initiative (CPI) builds on previous efforts with a strategic, longitudinal push to:

Click here for more information about the Career Pathways Initiative.