Data Policies and Procedures

On July 17, Katya Backhaus presented this slideshow regarding the new changes and updates to policy and data collection. There are big and exciting changes for this year. Please address any questions to Katya.
Monthly Reporting Forms
Please complete the appropriate form by the first business day of each month.
AEFLA Monthly Data Reporting Form
Adult Literacy Monthly Data Reporting Form
State Performance
If you have any questions regarding the AEFLA State Negotiated Targets or the State Goals, please contact Katya Backhaus at or 505-660-8824.
OCTAE Negotiated Targets
Each state is required to negotiate annual performance levels with the Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education (OCTAE). New Mexico's negotiated targets for core performance indicators are listed below.
State Goals
New Mexico's Adult Education Division also sets annual state goals for relevant outcomes to drive continuous program improvement. These goals are informed by the previous year's performance, state-negotiated targets, and data projections, ensuring alignment with both federal and local expectations. By analyzing historical data and trends, the state establishes benchmarks for key indicators such as measurable skills gain, employment outcomes, retention rate and co-enrollment with WIOA partners. This data-driven approach fosters accountability and supports programs in achieving meaningful outcomes for adult learners, promoting success in education, employment, and life skills.
Data Dashboards
AEFLA Data Dashboards
Program Year 2024-25

IET Data Dashboards
Program Year 2024-25
Data Policies and Guidelines
All staff should have clear understanding of the data collection process to ensure accurate and reliable data. All staff is expected to familiarize themselves with the NRS and its requirements and complete 3 the online trainings available at Self-Paced Online Courses | NRSWeb: Self-Paced Online Courses | NRSWeb
• Measuring Performance Under WIOA
• Using NRS Data
• NRS Data Use Guide Training Course
It is also expected that staff seek training on all aspects of LACES to be able to perform all data functions necessary for data collection and verification as well as program management. Staff needs to complete all LACES training videos that can be found at with password: enchantment.
NMHED requires that all program directors and data technicians complete Beginners LACES training and familiarize themselves with LACES Beginners manual available on Propel. It can also be requested from the state office. The state office performs individual on-demand as well as group hybrid (in person/virtual) LACES trainings. Intermediate LACES training is also offered by the state office once a year. Local program directors and data technicians are expected to be able to:
• Print a current fiscal year student list
• Open all NRS Tables for current and past years
• Find hours between assessments
• Identify/analyze/correct missing/inaccurate data using Student Diagnostic tool
• Identify all students that attained HSE
• Identify students eligible for assessments
• Identify students eligible for after exit surveys
Current AEFLA Intake Form
This form is a model and contains all information that must be collected for NRS reporting. Programs may modify the form or create their own but must include all of the required information.
LACES Information: LACES is the online student data management software used by NM adult education programs. LACES is powerful and its use can sometimes be complex; training and guidance are necessary for all new users. When program staff needs access to LACES, please email the State Data Administrator with the request for access and the type of access requested or tasks performed. All program staff is encouraged to reach out to state office for assistance with the use of LACES database. Questions related to the LACES database are welcome and can be directed to the State Data Administrator, to LACES technical support staff using the technical support link provided in LACES, or by contacting technical support at or at 1-888-714-9464.
Questions related to state or federal policy should be directed to the State Data Administrator, the State Director, or by accessing the NRS Technical Assistance (TA) Guide at
Guidance on Tracking IET Outcomes in LACES
National Reporting System (NRS): The National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) is an outcome-based reporting system for the State-administered, federally funded adult education program.
Resources for Reporting Measurable Skills Gain (MSG) Types 3, 4, and 5 - The document titled NRS Tips: Resources for Reporting Measurable Skill Gains (MSG) Types 3, 4, and 5 is very helpful.
Data from all states can be viewed at
Contact Person: Dr. Katya Backhaus, State High School Equivalency & Data Administrator
Phone: (505) 660 -8824