NM Professional Learning Plan Toolkit

Professional Learning Policy 

Professional Learning Policy and Planning Toolkit Webinar (2023-06-01 15:07 GMT-6)

Professional Learning Policy and Plan Toolkit Webinar recorded June 1, 2023

Professional Learning Policy.pdf

Using the Professional Learning Plan Toolkit

Using the Propel Professional Learning Plan Toolkit Webinar (2024-04-16 15:01 GMT-6)

Using the Propel Professional Learning Plan Toolkit Webinar recorded April 16, 2024

Professional Learning Plan Toolkit

Each year, AEFLA programs are required to submit a Program Professional Learning Plan to NMHED Adult Education Division with grant continuation documents or with the grant application.  Propel has coordinated the efforts of adult education professionals throughout the state to develop competencies for adult education administrators, instructors, and data professionals.  The Professional Learning Toolkit provides assessments based on these competencies.  Resources from LINCS and other states were used and acknowledged in the Toolkit documents.  

The Toolkit is available in multiple formats for ease of use.  The links provided will require a copy of the document to be made that can be modified.  This protects the original documents and permits customization.

Please contact the Propel director or coordinators with questions regarding the Toolkit.  Please contact the state director with questions regarding the policy and the Program Professional Learning Plan.

Amber Gallup, Adult Education Division Director
(505) 231-7490

Tina Hite, Propel Director
(505) 916-1252
Schedule a meeting at https://koalendar.com/e/meet-with-tina-hite  

Nadia Kader, Propel Coordinator

Rebecca Sherry, Propel Coordinator

These documents are available in Excel format.  The link will require you to make a copy.  You can download the copied file by selecting File>Download>Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Full Toolkit with All Assessments

Toolkit with Program Assessments and Plan Only 

Toolkit with Leadership Assessment Only

Toolkit with Instructor Assessment Only

Toolkit with Data Professional Assessment Only