Corrections Education

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In addition to greatly reducing the likelihood that an incarcerated adult will return to prison after release (i.e. recidivate), Corrections Education is a valuable and cost-effective tool to help disrupt generational cycles of low literacy, poverty, poor health, reliance on government assistance, and of course incarceration. In a system known to have a disproportionate effect on people of color, Corrections Education is also a critical tool to promote racial equity and justice.
The inclusion of Section 225 in federal WIOA legislation and the launch/expansion of Second Chance Pell both reflect increasing bipartisan support for Corrections Education, based in part on a growing body of evidence related to efficacy and on shifting public opinion/policy related to America's mass incarceration crisis.
Please note: Local adult education programs that are only funded under AEFLA Section 231 and not under AEFLA Section 225 (Corrections and Institutionalized Individuals) should not offer adult education services to incarcerated/institutionalized individuals.
Integrated Education and Training (IET) in Corrections: A Companion Guide to the IET Design Toolkit: Published in January 2023, this guide supports the toolkit listed below.
Integrated Education and Training Design Tookit: As part of the longitudinal "Integrated Education and Training in Corrections" (IETC) Project that OCTAE is sponsoring in collaboration with many partners, including AIR, RTI, JFF, and World Education: In early 2023, a companion guide to this Toolkit will be released. This guide will focus on different considerations and strategies that states and correctional programs may want to apply in developing IET programs for correctional settings, based on the experiences of the six states that engaged in an IET in Corrections pilot over the last year.
Educational Technology in Corrections, which focuses on strategies for technology use in correctional education.
Take Charge of Your Future Guide, which helps program leaders & students to plan for continuing their education and training after incarceration.

How Effective Is Correctional Education, and Where Do We Go from Here?
The Results of a Comprehensive Evaluation