Career Pathways
New Mexico Career Pathways Inititative
The statewide New Mexico Career Pathways Initiative (CPI) built on previous efforts with a strategic, longitudinal push to:
Assist all local adult education providers with understanding and implementing a comprehensive career pathways service delivery model that will meet WIOA requirements, create more effective programs, and ultimately better prepare students for college and career success.
Develop stronger partnerships with key workforce development stakeholders critical to an effective career pathways system.
Enhance adult education services for hard-to-reach-and-serve populations, including justice-involved individuals, English language learners, and others with barriers to education and employment.
New Mexico completed three years of the Career Pathways Initiative under the leadership of Jeff Fantine. Jeff Fantine is a national consultant/trainer in adult education. You can learn more about him and his work in LinkedIn.
In FY20 NMHED asked local adult education programs to use this Career Pathways Planning Template as part of a statewide Career Pathways Initiative. This planning process is designed to help programs evaluate where they are with career pathways implementation; identify areas that are missing and/or could be strengthened or enhanced; and develop a plan to move forward toward a comprehensive career pathways service delivery system. This template can be used as a strategic planning document and can be reviewed and revised annually among staff to assist programs with identifying gaps, assessing needs, establishing goals, determining resources, and evaluating progress relevant to career pathways services.
Career Pathways Planning Template
Career Pathways Maps
All maps are available to print and complete or download to fill out and print.

Career Awareness and Exploration
NMDWS Career Solutions provides career exploration, financial literacy, and other career resources