High School Equivalency Resources

The High School Equivalency subjects are reading, writing, math, science, and social studies. If you are a new instructor or a seasoned instructor looking for new resources or lesson ideas, these links may help with creating standards-aligned lessons and unit planning. 

TABE Crosswalks

TABE Crosswalks break down standards and domains that are on the TABE 11/12 exam. TABE 11/12 is aligned to College and Career Readiness standards. Cross-reference the crosswalks with HiSET's TAAG to hone in on what skills your students need to make EFL gains. 

HiSET Test at a Glance (TAAG)

HiSET Test at a Glance (TAAG) gives a quick overview of the standards tested on each subject of the HiSET exam. Use TAAG to align your lessons with CCR standards. 


HiSET & GED are the two high school equivalency options in the state of New Mexico. Use this slide show comparison to discuss the differences between the two tests with your students.


National External Diploma Program (NEDP) is a portfolio-based pathway to a high school credential. NEDP is self-paced, flexible, and contextualized. 


Literacy Information and Communication System (LINCS) is a project of OCTAE that has self-paced courses, materials, curriculum, and professional development resources. LINC's TEAL project includes guides and fact sheets to improve instructional practices. 

OER Commons

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials that are free to use. OER lessons and materials can be filtered by subject and material type. 

CUNY Career Kits

The City University of New York (CUNY) Career Kits integrates reading, writing, math, and research skills in different industries. The industry sectors include healthcare, technology, community & social services, education & childcare, manufacturing, hospitality, recreation & the arts, food production, construction, transportation & warehousing. Each career kit has the standard tie-in, estimated lesson time, lesson activities, discussion questions, and links to materials. Note that the career kits were originally designed for NY state industries, there may be some information that is not relevant to New Mexico career sectors. 


Collectedny.org is a vast repository of teaching resources, curriculum, and independent study materials for ESL, ABE, and HSE. Materials are shared and reviewed by NYS instructors.

Adult Numeracy Network

The Adult Numeracy Network (ANN) is a community dedicated to quality mathematics instruction for adult learners. Their website features materials, resources, virtual manipulatives, and lesson ideas. 


SABES is the Massachusetts Professional Development System. SABES has a curriculum, materials, and evidence-based practice resources across different subject areas.